Wow, this is so cool, you guys. The entire city is blacked out!
--> black sth out : 使變暗
Who am I gonna meet in a blackout? Power company guys? Eligible looters?
--> blackout : 停電
--> eligible : 理想的(做為結婚對象)
--> looter : 搶匪
Oh my God. I am trapped in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre!
--> be trapped : 被困住
--> vestibule : 門廳(類似銀行放ATM的小房間)
Is it a vestibule? Maybe it's an atrium.
--> artium : 大廳
And officiating at tonight's blackout, is Rabbi Tribbiani.
--> officiate at : 主持
--> officiating : 引申為主持人
Well, Chandler's old roommate was Jewish, and these are the only candles we have, so... Happy Chanukah, everyone.
--> Jewish : 猶太人
--> Chanukah : 光明節
Eww, look. Ugly Naked Guy lit a bunch of candles.
--> lit : (=light) 點亮
You're definitely scaring here.
OK, I'll go. OK, senior year of college... on a pool table.
--> pool table : 撞球桌
The ride broke down. So, Carol and I went behind a couple of those mechanical Dutch children...
--> ride : 遊樂園裡的遊樂設施
--> break down : 故障
--> mechanical : 機械的
--> Dutch : 荷蘭的
Step Back!
--> step back : 退一步(考慮問題)
----> ex : Let's just step back from the problem and think about what we could do.
I just never had a relationship with that kind of passion.
--> passion : 激情
Well, it was the only thing to do there that didn't have a line.
No, he said we were holding up the people behind us.
--> hold up : 耽誤
Passion is way overrated.
--> overrated : 被高估的
So, you know, for all of those people who miss out on that passion... thing, there's all that other good stuff.
--> miss out on : 錯失...的機會
Ross, you're mayor of the zone.
--> mayor : 市長
I'm taking my time, alright? I'm laying the groundwork. Yeah. I mean, every day I get just a little bit closer to...
--> groundwork : 準備工作
--> priesthood : 牧師
What's messing you up? The wine? The candles? The moonlight?
--> mess sb up : 出現問題
What are you shushing?
--> shush : 停止說話
What the hell was that? Mental note: If Jill Goodacre offers you gum, you take it. If she offers you mangled animal carcass, you take it.
--> mental : 精神的
--> mental note : 在腦子裡記下
--> mangled : 損壞的
--> carcass : 屍體(動物的)
This is so typical. I'm always the last one to know everything.
--> typical : 一向如此的
Sorry, that was wax.
--> wax : 蠟
During a blackout? He'd get trampled!
--> trample : 踩
I loathe myself.
--> loathe : 憎恨
You betcha!!
--> you betcha : I will bet you
---> 沒問題!!!
It's got a... boyish charm, it's impish.
--> charm : 魅力
--> impish : 頑皮的
Nice going, imp. OK, it's OK. All I need to do is reach over and put it in my mouth.
imp : 小淘氣
My God, you're choking!
--> choke : 噎住
What did he say that was so funny?
I know it's totally superficial and we have absolutely nothing in common, and we don't even speak the same language but Goooooooddddddd....
--> superficial : 膚淺的
That's funny, because you know, you are a huge crapweasel!
--> crap : 糟糕的
--> weasel : 黃鼠狼
---> 無用的鼠輩
No, you've got to whip it.
--> whip : 打(甩出)
Kinda... spooky without any lights.
--> spooky : 陰森可怕的
OK, guys, guys? I have the definitive one.
--> definitive : 最好的
Hey Ross. This probably isn't the best time to bring it up, but you have to throw a party for Monica.
--> bring sth up : 提出(話題)
--> throw a party : 辦派對