
podEnglish Intermediate 57 Scuba Diving

Talking about sport
scuba : self-contained underwater breathing apparatus

Did you catch my drift ?
= Did you catch my meaning ?
= Did you understand ?

to drift : to move by water

I'm treading water.
= I'm not making any progress.

I'm out of my depth.
= It's too hard.
= It's too difficult.

Let's test the waters.
= Let's experiment.
= Let's try it.

to have a go at something : try something
- when we haven't try something before
-> I was thinking of having a go at rock climbing.
-> I'm scared of heights, but I think I'll have a go at parachuting anyway.
-> I'm not very sporty, but I think I'll have a go at playing tennis.
-> Why don't you have a go ?

