
(Memo)Friends 103:The Thumb

Um, not so good. He walked me to the subway and said `We should do this again!`.
--> walk sb to : 陪某人走到

Uh, no. Loosely translated ‘We should do this again’ means `You will never see me naked`.
--> loosely : 寬鬆地

Or `You’re such a nice guy` means `I’m gonna be dating leather-wearing alcoholics and complaining about them to you`.
--> leather-wearing : 穿皮衣的
--> alcoholic : 酗酒的人

Yeah. Cushions the blow.
----> 減少衝擊
--> cushion : 緩衝
--> blow : 重擊

Yeah, it’s like when you’re a kid, and your parents put your dog to sleep, and they tell you it went off to live on some farm.
--> put sth to sleep : 安樂死
--> go off : 離開

Alright, now try taking a puff.
--> puff : 吸菸

Don’t think of it as a cigarette. Think of it as the thing that’s been missing from your hand. When you’re holding it, you feel right. You feel complete.
--> cigarette : 香菸

They say it’s the same as the distance from the tip of a guy’s thumb to the tip of his index finger.
--> tip : 末梢
--> thumb : 拇指
--> index finger : 食指

That’s ridiculous!
--> ridiculous : 荒謬的

Oh, Satan’s minions at work again…
--> Satan : 撒旦
--> minion : 僕人

It’s not mine, I didn’t earn it, if I kept it, it would be like stealing.
Yeah, but if you spent it, it would be like shopping!

let’s say I bought a really great pair of shoes. Do you know what I’d hear, with every step I took? ‘Not-mine. Not-mine. Not-mine.’ And even if I was happy, okay, and, and skipping  ‘Not-not-mine, not-not-mine, not-not-mine, not-not-mine’…
--> pair : 一雙
--> skip : 跳躍

Okay. I’d- just- I’d never be able to enjoy it. It would be like this giant karmic debt.
--> karmic : 因果報應
--> debt : 債

Just think about what you went through the last time you quit.
--> go through sth : 經歷

Ohhh! Put it out!
--> put sth out : 熄滅

I mean, why should I let them meet him? I mean, I bring a guy home, and within five minutes they’re all over him. I mean, they’re like- coyotes, picking off the weak members of the herd.
--> coyote : 郊狼
--> pick sb/sth off : 挑選
--> herd : 牧群

Well, you do realize the odds of that happening are a little slimmer if they never get to meet the guy.
--> odds : 機率
--> slim : 微小的

You can come in, but your filter-tipped little buddy has to stay outside!
--> filter-tip : 香菸濾嘴

Thank you for calling attention to our error. We have credited your account with five hundred dollars. We’re sorry for the inconvenience, and hope you’ll accept this football phone as our free gift.
--> credit with : 把錢存進帳戶

Let’s let the Alan-bashing begin. Who’s gonna take the first shot, hmm?
--> -bashing : 猛烈抨擊

The way his smile was kinda crooked.
--> crooked : 邪惡的

I think Alan will become the yardstick against which all future boyfriends will be measured.
--> yardstick : 衡量標準

Yeah, it’s his, uh, innate Alan-ness that-that-that we adore.
--> innate : 天生的
--> adore : 熱愛

Would you like my tin-foil hat?
--> tin-foil : 鋁箔紙

I know! I know, I opened it up and there it was, just floating in there, like this tiny little hitch-hiker!
--> hitch-hiker : 搭便車的人

So I have a flaw! Big deal!
--> flaw : 缺點
--> Big deal! : 沒什麼了不起

Like Joey’s constant knuckle-cracking isn’t annoying? And Ross, with his over-pronouncing every single word? And Monica, with that snort when she laughs? I mean, what the hell is that thing? …I accept all those flaws, why can’t you accept me for this?
--> constant : 頻繁地
--> knuckle : 手指關節
--> crack : 發出聲音
--> snort : 鼻息聲
--> hell : 表示強調

Well, is it, like, a little annoying, or is it like when Phoebe chews her hair?
--> chew : 咀嚼

Oh, now, don’t listen to him, Pheebs, I think it’s endearing.
--> endearing : 惹人喜愛的

Well, he’s a big boy, he’ll get over it.
--> get over sth/sb : 恢復過來

Well, yeah, I have one now and then.
--> now and then : 偶而

Wait, wait, I’m getting a deja vu…no, I’m not.
--> deja vu : 似曾相識

But, I gotta tell you, I am a little relieved.
--> relieved : 放鬆的

I just can't stand your friends.
--> stand : 忍受

He could row like a viking.
--> row : 划船
--> viking : 維京人

